Source code for submodlib.functions.graphCutMutualInformation

# Author: Vishal Kaushal <>
import numpy as np
import scipy
from .setFunction import SetFunction
import submodlib_cpp as subcp
from submodlib_cpp import GraphCutMutualInformation 
from submodlib.helper import create_kernel

[docs]class GraphCutMutualInformationFunction(SetFunction): """Implementation of the Graph Cut Mutual Information (GCMI) function. Given a :ref:`functions.submodular-mutual-information` function, Graph Cut Mutual Information function is its instantiation using a :class:`~submodlib.functions.graphCut.GraphCutFunction`. Mathematically, it takes the following form: .. math:: I_f(A; Q) = 2\\lambda \\sum\\limits_{i \\in A} \\sum\\limits_{j \\in Q} s_{ij} .. note:: GCMI lies at one end of the spectrum favoring only query-relevance. Thus it models a pure retrieval function. .. note:: The graph-cut based query-relevance term in :cite:`vasudevan2017query,lin2012submodularity,li2012multi` is actually GCMI. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of elements in the ground set. Must be > 0. num_queries : int Number of query points in the target. query_sijs : numpy.ndarray, optional Similarity kernel between the ground set and the queries. Shape: n X num_queries. When not provided, it is computed using data, queryData and metric. data : numpy.ndarray, optional Matrix of shape n X num_features containing the ground set data elements. data[i] should contain the num-features dimensional features of element i. Mandatory if query_sijs is not provided. Ignored if query_sijs is provided. queryData : numpy.ndarray, optional Matrix of shape num_queries X num_features containing the query elements. queryData[i] should contain the num-features dimensional features of query i. It is optional (and is ignored if provided) if query_sijs has been provided. metric : str, optional Similarity metric to be used for computing the similarity kernels. Can be "cosine" for cosine similarity or "euclidean" for similarity based on euclidean distance. Default is "cosine". """ def __init__(self, n, num_queries, query_sijs=None, data=None, queryData=None, metric="cosine"): self.n = n self.num_queries = num_queries self.metric = metric self.query_sijs = query_sijs = data self.queryData = queryData self.cpp_obj = None self.cpp_query_sijs = None self.cpp_content = None self.effective_ground = None if self.n <= 0: raise Exception("ERROR: Number of elements in ground set must be positive") if self.num_queries < 0: raise Exception("ERROR: Number of queries must be >= 0") # if self.metric not in ['euclidean', 'cosine']: # raise Exception("ERROR: Unsupported metric. Must be 'euclidean' or 'cosine'") if type(self.query_sijs) != type(None): # User has provided query kernel if type(self.query_sijs) != np.ndarray: raise Exception("Invalid query kernel type provided, must be ndarray") if np.shape(self.query_sijs)[0]!=self.n or np.shape(self.query_sijs)[1]!=self.num_queries: raise Exception("ERROR: Query Kernel should be n X num_queries") if (type( != type(None)) or (type(self.queryData) != type(None)): print("WARNING: similarity query kernel found. Provided data and query matrices will be ignored.") else: #similarity query kernel has not been provided if (type( == type(None)) or (type(self.queryData) == type(None)): raise Exception("Since query kernel is not provided, data matrices are a must") if np.shape([0]!=self.n: raise Exception("ERROR: Inconsistentcy between n and no of examples in the given data matrix") if np.shape(self.queryData)[0]!=self.num_queries: raise Exception("ERROR: Inconsistentcy between num_queries and no of examples in the given query data matrix") #construct queryKernel self.query_sijs = np.array(subcp.create_kernel_NS(self.queryData.tolist(),, self.metric)) #Breaking similarity matrix to simpler native data structures for implicit pybind11 binding self.cpp_query_sijs = self.query_sijs.tolist() #break numpy ndarray to native list of list datastructure if type(self.cpp_query_sijs[0])==int or type(self.cpp_query_sijs[0])==float: #Its critical that we pass a list of list to pybind11 #This condition ensures the same in case of a 1D numpy array (for 1x1 sim matrix) l=[] l.append(self.cpp_query_sijs) self.cpp_query_sijs=l self.cpp_obj = GraphCutMutualInformation(self.n, self.num_queries, self.cpp_query_sijs) self.effective_ground = set(range(n))